Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Goodbye Summer

Dear Summer,

Its time for me to bid you a fond farewell. I will miss you very much till next year. I want to thank you for a few things as we depart. First off thank you for being sunny. Although we had a few spots that were touch and go, for the most part you were lovely. Thank you for not having a high bee count, or a horrible heat index. Thank you for being nice on most of days off allowing me to bring Holly over for some much needed relaxation and fun in the sun. Thank you for my freckles...they look cute this year. Also thank you for the good corn and fruit. It was most enjoyable. I will miss you till next year, but i need to greet my old friend fall with a fond hello. I do love fall very much. But that will wait for another blog. So again, thank you for the fairs, the food and the nice weather. Ill see you next year..and feel free to come early because that bitch winter pisses me off! Kisses!


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