Thursday, December 11, 2008

For Real...

So recently i have jumped on the Vegetarian train. I'm taking it little by little ..knocking out red meat and pork. Then soon to be done with chicken and My choices are because of my quest to become healthier and for animal rights. I do promise that i will not become one of these's a little in your face for me.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So I figured with all the celebrating, working and homework I have this weekend, I would talk this opportunity to list what I am thankful for this season. First I'm thankful for my family. I am thankful that another holiday can go by with both of my parents and my sister. I'm thankful for my dad pulling through from his surgery. I'm thankful for my friends. For the ones I will see this thanksgiving and the ones I wont. I'm thankful for the open arms and welcome back from my friends who i haven't kept in tough with but when i returned to home...made me feel like i had never left. I'm thankful for my heartache. Although it sounds crazy, i am. There is a song i love and one of the lines is ..."hitting walls and getting scars ...only makes you who you are" I truly believe that. I thank god for the amazing wonderful relationship i had for four years. Although it ended I am thankful that for four years I loved and was loved. And I will never regret that time ever. I'm thankful to my parents for letting me move home and supporting me on my new journey in life. I'm thankful for such an amazing life I have surrounded by amazing and wonderful people. I look forward to a interesting and wonderful new year. Yay thanksgiving!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Back in action...literally

So obviously this past couple months has been a crazy ride. But finally I feel like I'm back in the saddle again. I went to Richmond for some much needed friend time. I drank, flirted...flirted..and then some. Needless to say, Molly has def got her grove back. I am finishing up my first semester at school. That is something i never knew would come this quickly. Its going well. This week will be a lot of work before the Thanksgiving Holiday. My job is good too. So for the most part...I'm really happy. Obviously there are good and bad days, but at this point mostly good. So here is to finishing up this semester, getting through the holidays and a very positive outlook on the new year! Yay!!

Friday, November 7, 2008


So I have obviously had a crazy horrible month. I say month because tomorrow Josh and I will have been broken up for a month. I would have never thought I would be in the place that I am now. Am I happy about the break up? No freekin way! Is my life falling apart. No...not at all. I guess all I can take away from this horrible month is this. Life is Shit..plain and simple, but only you can choose to come out of it. I have found strength in myself that I never knew I had. My heart is still broken in a million pieces..but I'm pulling through. I have a wonderful family, amazing friends and a good life. I miss Josh..with all my heart. I do hope things can be OK and we can work things out...but until then or if that day doesn't come I know that I will be alright. So a thank you to all my amazing friends who have been supportive and amazing..i love you all for the bottom of my heart!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well life still blows but im keeping busy and working a TON! Keep my mind off of things. School is going well and life is just life. At times like this i wish i did drugs...:(

Monday, October 13, 2008


Well i was the one who got suprised this weekend. I went to visit josh and he decided that he needed to break off our 4 year relationship. So i am trying to get through one hour at a time. IM sad, hurt and heartbroken....and i dont know what to do. :(

Friday, October 10, 2008


So tonight i thought i would be sneaky! Since Josh and I have been living apart, i have really wanted to do something fun for us. So i got a Romance package at a new Marriott hotel in Erie with a King Jacuzzi suite, breakfast, champagne and chocolates!! Yay I'm really excited. I hope he likes it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Have I ever mentioned that I love fall??!!!

Josh came to visit Sunday and we went to Pumpkinville!!!!

We shot corn out of a cannon....

We Pet piggies......

And I stuck my head in this thing....

Oh how I love fall....

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Well today officially closed the Erie chapter. I had to turn the keys to our apartment in today. It sucked. I had actually lived there back in 01 when i first moved to Erie. Then when Josh and i were looking for a better apartment we went to this complex and ended up getting the exact same one. Its weird to look back on good ol' 5726 with a lot of fond memories, not just from these past few years with josh, but a lot of good things. I guess its time to close this chapter and move on to a new one. Who knows maybe this will be in my future again. Goodbye wonderful house...i will miss very much.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Not so smart!

So I decided that maybe I would revamp my blog a little, put some links to things, change the format...not so much. Even using easy tutorials ...I couldn't get it. Better luck next time i think!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Good ol' Mom

I just had to post this. Anyone who knows my parents would think this is funny as crap. My Dad is the cook of the family hes awesome and amazing. My mom is really good too...but she only makes a few things. So as we were going through the recipe box the other night, we found t his written by my mom. "Go to Pearson's Market get stuffed Pork chops, bake them for 1 1/2 -2 can moisten with water cr of mush soup or cr celery soup. " Awesome! You rock mom!

Sad Day

Today we had to put our Kitty Tom to sleep.. He was such a sute little sweet baby, but he was so old and very sick. He will be missed very very very much.

Sunday, September 21, 2008



Thats all for now!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


YUMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! First pumpkin pies of the fall!!!! Then next weekend its the Apple Festival and I'm making josh go to pumpkin ville!
Whoo Hoo!


We were watching our favorite show "Mythbusters" last night and got inspired. you know how they say "Dont try this at home...EVER"? Well we did...and we liked it!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Well my first excitement...i have a job interview on friday for a unit clerk position on the cardiac floor at the local hospital. Thank you da BOMB!

Wish me luckies!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I was catching up on some blog reading this morning and found this aswesome add from craigs list...enjoy.

Craigslist Cookie Ad.
new york craigslist > manhattan > rooms & shares$1 Room for ONE DOLLAR in bright, clean apartment (Upper West Side) Reply to: [?]Date: 2008-09-09, 1:44PM EDTI

am looking for someone to rent the spare bedroom in my spacious 2-bedroom apartment on the picturesque and desirable Upper West Side. You must read carefully, however, as this situation is not suitable for all.The rent is $1 per month, utilities included, as long as you bake me fifty (50) tasty cookies every day by 6 p.m. If you have not completed this task by 6 p.m., I will pour vinegar on all your belongings, throw them into the street, and have the locks changed. No exceptions and no excuses. Hell or high water, those cookies better be done and yummy.Cookies are always cookies and never biscuits. I do not eat “biscuits”.I will decide the specific type of cookie the day before and will submit my preference in writing by 9 p.m. of that day. You are responsible for the recipe and ALL the ingredients (at your expense, of course). The kitchen is large and well equipped with cookie sheets, rolling pins, mixing bowls, etc. You may NOT hum or sing as you prepare the cookies. You may, however, recite song lyrics in a normal speaking voice.Forbidden ingredients include anise, marjoram, allspice, caraway, and oats. I will nevertheless request oatmeal cookies from time to time and you must find a way to make them without oats. Good luck with that. The worst ingredient of all, though, is NUTMEG. If even one speck of nutmeg, even the tracest amount of the stuff, is discovered in my home, I will pour vinegar on your belongings and chuck them in the street. You may assume the locks will be changed. You may use cinnamon, cloves, and raisins, though I am rather indifferent to these and will likely not be impressed. Chocolate is encouraged, as is vanilla bean extract.You will be given three cookie cutters: a crescent moon, a star, and a doggie in profile. All cookies must be in one of those three shapes. The doggies must be given names and all the names must be different and cute. Cuteness is my call, not yours. For example, “Smuggins” is cute but “Lionel” is not.The cookies must be artfully arranged on a lace cloth on a silver platter and garnished. Permissible garnishes include jellied fruits and candied flowers. Sugared figs are under review, but don’t get your hopes up.Your room contains a twin bed, a dresser, a desk w/chair, and a TV with cable access. The TV is tuned permanently to the Food Network. You may watch only shows featuring cookies and cookie by-products.If you are interested in this arrangement, please submit the following:1) Your favorite cookie recipe2) A picture of tasty cookies3) A short original poem about cookiesThank you.86 at B’way * it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interestsPostingID: 834022781


Well I'm almost done with my official first month of school, and let me tell you ...scary. Last weekend was my last time working at my job. Which although there were times i would have been happy to burn that hell hole down, it is making my move and change much more FINAL!! So now with only a week or so left to go i have to get my apartment ready to make the final move. I'm so scared to leave Josh and my home. I know its probably just me but i have a yucky and unsettling feeling about all this. I just want it done and over with so i can move back home and get back to my life. Say your prayers..i need them

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hello Fall

Dear Fall,

Dude! Whats up. I haven't seen you in a long time. I'm glad you are here. I'm really excited for sweaters and long sleeve shirts. Also looking forward to being able to wear my cute new boots. The leaves are starting to change and that excites me. That means fall festivals, apple pie, pumpkins and Halloween. I love walking outside and smelling fall in the air. Although i am not looking forward to really cold weather, you are my favorite season. It also excites me because we get to set our clocks back...makes me feel like i am getting away with extra sleep. Yippee!! Well I'm looking forward to your visit. Please let it be a long and nice one. See ya soon!


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Goodbye Summer

Dear Summer,

Its time for me to bid you a fond farewell. I will miss you very much till next year. I want to thank you for a few things as we depart. First off thank you for being sunny. Although we had a few spots that were touch and go, for the most part you were lovely. Thank you for not having a high bee count, or a horrible heat index. Thank you for being nice on most of days off allowing me to bring Holly over for some much needed relaxation and fun in the sun. Thank you for my freckles...they look cute this year. Also thank you for the good corn and fruit. It was most enjoyable. I will miss you till next year, but i need to greet my old friend fall with a fond hello. I do love fall very much. But that will wait for another blog. So again, thank you for the fairs, the food and the nice weather. Ill see you next year..and feel free to come early because that bitch winter pisses me off! Kisses!


Friday, August 29, 2008

Dear Josh

This has been a crazy week. It's not like i have never been away from you, but this week has been full of life changing events. I started school, have been away from you with out hugging or kissing you for a week. It's weird going through all this without you. Not to be cliche but absence does make the heart grow fonder. I never realized till i have been gone that you are my sanity and my rock. Going through the stress and change this week has really taken a toll on my heart. What i wouldn't have given to have you there my first day. to come home to you and tell you about all the exciting events the day had brought. To see you do that smirk thing you do when you get really excited for me. To know that you are open to listening to every last detail and truly being proud of me. I miss you so much. I miss the way you smell, and the way you feel. I miss you kissing me. I miss laying on the couch, rubbing feet and watching TV. I miss your support and the way you cheer me on. You are the most wonderful, caring and sweet person I know, and through this all i miss who you are. I know i get stressed and frustrated a lot and you always calm me down. You are my heart my soul and my everything. You make me a better person and make my life amazing. I love you so much baby. Thank you for being you and loving me with your whole heart. God couldn't have given me a better person to share my life with. Thank you for all you do, and all you are.

With my whole heart.....forever,

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Josh and I were in the car the other day discussing weird names. Not that I'm poking fun at names...(malin is not exactly the "norm") But I had waited on a customer names Shenandoah. I of course being a girl had to ask a Hypothetical crazy question...and the rest of the conversation goes a little something like this.

" So say i gave birth to a baby girl tomorrow and died and you were the only one who could name it. What would you name it?"

"Umm...i dunno....Nancy?"


So my dear friends, if i have a baby and Die...don't let Josh or Jenny name it!

love Molly

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Scootie puff jr

I decided to post this picture of Josh because i think its funny. Good thing he doesn't read my blog because he would instantly force me to take it down. I don't ever talk much about my squash, just because i don't want this to be one of those blogs that is cheesy and corny. But i do love him so much , at this point in our lives he is trying to get a motorcycle. If he gets one before i get a diamond i will lay in front of the bike and he will have to drive over my lifeless body to actually get any "riding time" out of it. So here's to you my awesome picture for an awesome boy

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My little bird friends

I finally decided a few months ago to put some kind of bird feeder in my back patio. I thought i would like to see what kinda birds i got. Now the birds have eaten the seed and i can't get my lazy ass to the store to buy more, they keep comin' around like."yo bitch, tease us with the food then hold out...what kinda person does that." then they fly away to their little bird Friends and talk smack..what ever....i do what i want!

Monday, June 30, 2008


So it all started thursday. I decided that i needed to use that dental insurance ive paid for before i dont work at my job anymore. It was also time to get my teeth cleaned. I was in a little pain taht morning. Having a hard time opening my mouth wide, i knew that horrible wisdom tooth was ready to tear through my gums. I was correct. 3 cavities(the first in my 26 years on this earth) and two full bone impacted wisdom teeth. But the good news is I dont have any on the bottom. (Hmph) So today i had to be put under and have thos puppys yanked out of my mouth. So i am recovering at my parents house. YAY! That means internet, good tv and a swimming pool! Its like a vacation! With Pain meds...

Monday, June 16, 2008

What a month

Well it has been a little while since i have blogged. Josh and I are moving back home for me to go to school. It will be a transition since we are moving into my parents, but i think it will be OK. So working and trying to get registered for a class that i need to take this summer has made life busy. Then at the beginning of this month my dad was sent by helicopter to a hospital and underwent quad-bypass surgery. So I have been using every free second to visit him at the hospital since its in Erie, and now hes home so i have been using my days off to come here and help him and my mom. So busy times. Well I'm off to catch up on my reading and do some laundry.

Monday, May 12, 2008

lack of blog

Wow a lot of things have happened since the last time I blogged. My best friend Natalie had a baby girl Tenley Marie. Yay im going down that way in july to see Laurie and Jenny and we are gonna drive up and see her. Im really excited. Then i am also getting ready to go back to school, move back home and hopefully get on track so i can figure out what I want to do when i grow up. I think its gonna be a big adjustment, josh and I are moving to my parents house..(scary) everyone gets along, butit just makes me a little nervous to give up that freedom we have had for the past 3 years. Then my Katie is coming home to visit this weekend, then Alecia next thursday, my cousins for a bridal shower that weekend also. so a Busy end of the month. I hope it all goes well.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Why didnt I know this...

Last Night while watching a kid on TV eat paste...

Me: eww that kid is eating paste hardcore

Josh: Did you ever eat paste?

ME: my dad is an art teacher i was told to never eat paste

JOsh: I ate it and LOVED IT! It was so good, sweet and salty. You can go ahead and say it.

Me: I hate you...

josh: saw that coming

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dear friend that shall remain nameless...

I sometimes wonder why you lie to the people who are the closest to you and love you the most. Why tell soemone your life is falling apart and the personal things that are horrible and upsetting to you ...then turn around not a few days later and LIE no only to that person you confided in ...but to your other friends that love you? Do you do that to make yourself feel better? To try to advoid what is really going on? Why paint a picture of a perfect wonderful life..when thats not what is up. I dont think you have to divulge any personal info or go into detail..but dont make all these plans for the future like thats what your doing..when you really know that the future itself is hanging by a thread. Maybe thats why you are doing it, to run away from dealing with the truth. So next time dont make me feel bad when i confide in you about something and you seem like nothing like that could ever happen to you in your perfect life ...because your life is amazing right???...then it happens..and you LIE.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

really Cool

So while I wasted my day on the internet i ran across this cool thing. They are like Dishwasher detergent pods but for the laundry. So no more carring a big thing of detergent all the way up to the laundry room and all the way back down. I will be buying these tomorrow when i get paid. I will let you know how it goes!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Blog

After Alecia once mentioned that I should blog about food...i have decided to take her advice. So i have a new blog. So feel free to read comment and give me good places to go to blog about. Horray!!!


oh Moe's how i love thee...I had to take this picture because of anyone has been to Moe's you know how gigantic there food is. So since i have a little tummy now i can't eat as much. So i order a Mo Mo Mr. Cow which is basically a little version of the big ass burrito. And since its a kids order they turn up the edges of the tin foil to look like bull horns. Awesome ...GO MOE'S! We got back yesterday from NC and had great fun. Now its back to the regular work , cold weather and mom and dad not paying for everything. Balls!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


So I actually went out last night. I know. I never go out. But i had a really good time with Jani. We had awesome food and awesome drinks and now im sitting here not wanting to work, already envious of those to dont have to work. Its gonna be 60 and sunny today. In Erie...maybe it will be slow a slow day at work so i dont have to do anything. But im sure that wont be the case. Well everyone enjoy your day and if you have off...your a lucky bastard! :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Calming down

So umm...sorry about that last post. I had a really bad day...obviously. I think its time for a much needed trip to the dr to get some meds. But i did treat myself to an awesome Etsy purchase from one of my favorite bloggers and sellers But go check out her awesome etsy shop such wonderful stuff and shes having a sale today too! Horray! Well i guess its time for me to shower and get ready to go to pittsburgh to look for a dress. Wish me luck!

The pic above is a combo of awesomeness i have purchased from the above shop. Go buy stuff from her...shes sooo good!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Really pissed

Today I am quite pissed off. Long story short a "Friend" of mine who i met while working where i do now, is at another job and is miserable. She cant get along with her boss and she talks about how much she hates it everytime i talk to her. So a position came up at my job and i told her about it.Long story short, she applied requested stupid days off,and might not get the job becuse of it. I told her about it and after consulting with her controlling fiance , shes turned it around on me and now im the bad guy because i dont want her to be happy. What a Bitch! Ladies if you let your boyfriends brain wash you , you lose all your friends and the people you care about. So to you Karen..heres a Big MIDDLE Finger and a Huge...KISS MY ASS! You self centered , crazy BITCH!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


So i have been away from the blogging world for a couple weeks. I have just been so stressed with work and other crap that I havent even been reading any blogs. Which is weird cuz thats what i do every morning. So i had an awesome trippy to NYC and then today for easter went to my parents house for a fantastic dinner and relaxing. Then its back to hell ..i mean work for a couple days then a day off. I just hope the stress doesnt kill me. Well im off..

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Back to Real Life

Well i got back from my trip to NYC on monday. What a great time and Ash was an awesome hostess. She really made sure that I went to see everything that i wanted to and even more, so for that YAY!!! I do have pics that I will post, but not till i get back to my parents house where they have a camera that I can use to upload my pics. My stupid computer and camera wont let me here. This should be a pretty fast week. I worked yesterday then today and tomorrow i have off then i work for the weekend. Nice little break after getting back from vacation. Its always really hard to just jump right back in. Josh and I have to start planning our trip to NC for my cousins wedding in april Another time im really looking forward to. Well im offto go clean my kitchen.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


ay Im finally here!!! A very long awaited trip to see Ash! I have only been here for 24 hours and i sang the little mermaid, ate bomb ass food and got my picture taken with the pope. (story later..not the real pope.) So just a quick check in and then off for more shopping. I think i am gonna be in need of a Pedi when i get back. And by pedi i mean letting Josh rub my feet for a few hours! TATA!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

a post

Today I felt bad. My friend Paige's younger brother passed away the other night. I felt horrible that because of an ice storm i couldnt get home for the viewing or the funeral. David was such a great kid and only 18. I remember helping out with the musical at my old highschool. We did Cinderella. Ill never forget him as a sweet, funny tough guy trying to learn to Waltz. After so many hours of trying and practicing the kids finally got it. Ill always remember dave coming up to me after the first show. Thanking me with tears in his eyes saying, "Thank you for all your hard work and not giving up on us. If it werent for you I would have never learned to do this" then giving me a giant hug. He will be missed so much. And I will pray for Paige and her family every day hoping they get through this horrible time.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Only in Jamestown

So my mom showed me this on the newspaper today. Only in Jamestown do they thank each subscriber at the bottom and today was my dads day! I just thought i should post this cuz it cracked me up.

almost there..

Well its almost time to go on my trip to NYC. I cant wait. I can get some fabric and buy a lot of stuuf and eat a ton of food. Josh and i both worked today then decided to take a side trip to jamestown. I need to get luggage and a few things from my parents house. I hopefully can get some good blogging in after my trip becasue right now my brain is so burnt out for working my ass off. maybe after having fun and relaxing a few days my little brain cells will join back together. Yay...till then.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

time wasted

Well i have spent the first couple hours i have been awake sitting on the computer. Here is an awesome site i found It is awesome. Basically its things that are off that are found in everyday places like parking lots, boxes , bus stops. Check it out ..i enjoy it.

oh you toy with me

So these past couple weeks have been weird. Life has def taken some weird twists and turns, but everything always turns out alright...right? I turned 26 last week. I realized that birthdays as im older just arent as fun. although it was a very nice birthday, my sister sent me flowers to work and one of my co- workers made me a cake and josh cooked me my favorite dinner. It just isnt as wonderful and exciting as it was when i was little. Well today is my first day off in about a week. I need to clean my house like i say i have to every time i have a day off. Im so looking forward to my NYC trip. I miss Ash and it will give me a chance to get away from life. I think i need a coffee to start my day.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


For those of you who don't know me very well i have a small obsession with IKEA. I cant help it. My mom took me there when i was younger and i remember walking around with my sister, Katie and Kristen and we would grab pamphlets, and plan our future homes. Also they have things like this lovely picture to my left. Its really cool too because it Swedish! I just needed to show some love to IKEA, and those awesome desserts!

Friday, February 15, 2008


So it has been about a week since i have posted something. To tell you the truth I needed a little time away from everything. The stress of my work f-ing up my taxes, being sick with a cold that never ends and a few other little personal upsets, I think I chalk this week to a rollercoaster ride from hell. But with support from a wonderful boyfriend and some awesome tylenol PM I think im almost back to myself. I got my sewing machine which is awesome. I only have a couple more weeks till my Vacation to NYC, my birthday is next week and I get to see Nal this weekend for her baby shower! Hopefully this coming week will be better than this past week. So im back, for anyone who reads this. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. The Catholic guilt i have embedded in my DNA says i should go to church since I have the day off. Ash Wed is the beginning of lent which means find something you love and give it up. I have yet to think of what I should give up. I should give up pop, smoking, and all those other wonderfuls. But maybe this year i will add something. I remember that Natalie and I one year went to church every Sunday during lent. Maybe thats what I should do. Who not good at giving up up ON stuff yes but not giving up stuff...Decisions Decisions!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Schmoper Bowl...

Im not a sportsfan all. So instead of watching the superbowl like millions of other people. I am sitting on the computer wasting my night. I should probably be cleaning or something. NAH. Although it does give me unlimited computer time without josh wanting to get on.(the computer that is..hehe) I just keep running back and forth to watch commercials. I do love the commercials.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


I didnt do anything today. Nothing . Its because josh is home. Ill blame him. Although I did mail a package to Ash, and mailed out a few bills and such. But thats it. I didnt even shower. Nast. Back t the daily grind tomorrow. And i dont have any money for coffee. Balls

Friday, February 1, 2008


Today I feel accomplished. I cleaned the office, set up some files,vaccumed. I colored my hair and made a couple things to go into my Etsy shop. its not ready yet. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to start listing some things and (cross your fingers) start making some Sweet Moola. So make sure to check it out! Im gonna go take a shower and get ready for bed. Tomorrow will hopefully be another day of getting things done!

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Today is my first of two days in a row off. I usually start these days off with big plans to clean and organize, then it never happens. But i really am gonna do it . If i can get my ass off of the computer. Although i am out of money , food and maybe cleaning will be the only thing that will occupy my mind and keep me from licking the rest of the peanut butter out of the jar and smoking all the butts in the ashtray...nasty i know..but its the truth. Well wish me good luck. So starts the Cleaning of my are the befores ...hopefully there wil be an after...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

An update

I know all of you are interested in the pooping habits of my cat, but we have reached a milestone my friends...a milestone. Lilly is now burying her poop. It has been 3 years and never once did she bury it. We moved her litter box into the office and now..she bury!!! I guess the office is a life changer for all...By the way..your welcome. More pooping updates to come!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008


So my latest project for our apartment is the office/work room. Its gonna take a little work since in the past two years its been a bedroom for 2 different people, a "throw it in the second room' room and is now becoming an office/ sewing room. I am going to get this organized no matter what!!! I will post progress as soon as my computer decides to upload pics. I'm gonna try a few pics and see if i know how to use the pic thing on here..then i can begin. We will post a picture of Bishop..he's a handsome man and needs to get his face out there!!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Sunday off

I don't think I have had a Sunday off and to myself since before Christmas. Today I am going to a class at a local Scrapbook shop to make these I have never done it before so I hope I don't create and Scrapbooking Faux Paus. So wish me luck. I let you know how it goes!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Over it

Well it has been snowing non stop for about 3 days here in lovely Pa. Im so over it. I actually woke up this morning, looked outthe window and say..." You have got to be fucking kidding me." Of course Lilly looked at me and scolded me for using bad language.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Last night...

While watching a commercial for a school that offers a degree in Video game design...

j: I think that would be cool to have that degree

m: yeah because I have heard you talk so much about all your ideas to design Video games (eye roll)

j: Oh I have a few ideas... like my lastest.. (note he says this with a 150% serious face) "Waiting in traffic!" You like sit on the highway in rush hour and have to get out of your car and fight with people."

m: I seriously...seriously hate you

Friday, January 11, 2008

A favorite

I am loving these guys I was introduced to by my friend Natalie on the Hallmark website. They crack me up. And I'm spending way too much money on things they sell. But take a look at this

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Well i finally got my internet turned on , due to lack of fundage. And now i just gotta get money to get my cell turned on. I love life. Never having money, always stressed. Its a good thing. Enough for now.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Crafty Schmafty

So its January 1st. I guess this means that I should quit smoking, eat better and exercise. Nah. I have decided to be crafty this year and have a hobby. I have never had a hobby before, i mean i sing and dance but have nothing to show for it after all these years. well except for a vast knowledge of every Disney song, Broadway musical, weak ankles and bad knees. I have been inspired so much by a little website i ran across by accident ( ) so many talented and awesome artists and crafters, and so much inexpensive, impulsive buys! so as i embark on the handmade and craft voyage, i will solicit all of you to buy my crap. So start saving those Pennys!!!