Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tis the season

this has been a really hectic month or two or three. I decided it was a good idea to get a second job..not a good idea. Although i do love the job i work at an amazing antique store and work for wonderful people! Just lots of work and no free time. So I am looking forward to spending a few days off with my wonderful friends and family..And get a few gifts while i'm at it. yay!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Two smart girls....

Me: "Oh Ash if you go to you tube and put in raven flyer you can totally virtully ride the new roller coaster at Waldameer!"

Ash: "that makes me think of Loose Bowels"

Me: "The Raven Flyer how the hell do you think of loose bowels"

Ash:" wait...what did you say? RAVEN?"

Me: "yeah..what did you think i said?

Ash: "I thought you said Rasin!"

Laughter for like 5 minutes

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

This i enjoy

this is the 14 year old boy in me...wait ..that sounded really bad...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hello old friend...

So the other day while cleaning the neverending mess that is our bedroom, josh found something. Something so wonderful it instantly brought glee to my little heart. My tap shoes. I LOVE my tap shoes. The black high heel jingle taps. Sigh... So i had to show him all my moves..the timestep into the double timestep, into the triple then the traveling timestep. First off..wear a bra when one needs to see that. Also josh looked at me and said.."I can imagine the Hard wood floor enthuisists that would be throwing up watching you tap the polish off of those beautiful wood floors!"


Friday, September 21, 2007

I thought I Knew You!

It's funny how you can know someone for so long, and keep learning about them. I will always remember a story that my mom told me in confidence. (so now i will share it with the world..sorry mom ) When my parents were first married my mother and her friend Roz took a trip to NYC. While there they were so excited to see EVITA with Patty Lapone. Thats all they talked about on the up coming days to the trip. When they got there it just so happened that she wasnt performing that day. Instead of feeling stupid, becasue they had made such a big deal about it, she never told my dad that they didnt see her. To this day my dad still says ," You know your mom and Roz saw Patty Lapone play Evita in NYC on Broadway. And I just smile.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


While josh was washing the dishes last night and I was eating my face off..

"Hey babe, Dont you think its funny how Tuna are like the sheep of the Ocean?!?"

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Conversation today

Josh: " UGH..I was waiting for my calzone and those kids right there kept running back and forth i had to keep moving. I just wanted them to stand still!"

Me: "i know and those kids running around and yelling I mean this is Wegmans not their family room!"

Josh: " That is why leashes for children were invented. If my kids ever acted like that, child services would be at my door cuz the kids would be tied to a run in back like a dog"

Me: "oh my"

Did i mention we are Pro Choice?

Friday, August 31, 2007

A good day

Today has been a good day so far and its only 1:30. I have wasted (but enjoyed) this whole morning reading one of my favorite blogs. And if my day could be more enjoyable I found out Alecia's Coming home tomorrow, I have a new pack of Cigarettes and the fall issue of "The Nest". I love my life.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


ok so im watching househunters as I do everyday. And Im annoyed at the lady on TV first off...horrible headband ..horrible..second of all..she is complaining because she is going to have to get a second job becuse they have had their house on the market for 2 months and cant find a house that they they have to keep paying a mortgage that is too expensive..well that sucks but they have looked at 40 houses and cant find about you be more picky on your headband and less on a home...said it

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Is it just me...

Or does life really blow when you are older. When I was younger i remember just longing for the day i had my own apartment , job and life. And i remember my mom always saying.." You have your whole life to pay bills, have a job , and live on your own." "Enjoy living at home and not having any responsibilities cuz trust me being an adult isnt fun." DAMN IT!!! She was right again. I dont know if its just me but this summer has been shit-tastic!" I long for the week i can have a whole paycheck for fun or be able to go buy some new clothes, or even take a VACATION...sigh...maybe some day. Im just over this month and im looking forward to the possibility that maybe next month will be different...why didnt i become a Doctor????!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

This Girl....

Is a bad Blogger. It has been a while...i dont kow why. But i Just Ordered a brand spankin new hot pink lappy...maybe that will inspire me to write more..lets hope..ta ta for now

Thursday, June 7, 2007

You know ...

My friend Danielle and I were at the amusement park riding the bumper cars when we came to the realization that we are infact...old.

While riding he ride we made jokes about calling insurance companys.(old)
We apologized when ramming a 10 year olds asses across the floor(old)
While hitting them with said cars..we thought...they dont know what pain is(old)
And the worst one..when the ride ended a voice comes over the loud speaker and says "You are Out of Gas" I truely Panicked

Im old..there is no turning back

Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Favorites...

So here is a list of some of my favorite things..(mostly food)

*Diet A&W RootBeer
*Nestle coffee crips(its a candy bar like a big kit kat but with some coffee flavored creamy stuff on each wafer.
*Marb Menthol Ultra Lights
*My cotton candy smelly perfume
*Cheese and Potato Perogies with hot sauce
*Pineapple Dole Whip at Disney
*The beach across from the Roterty Pavilion at Presque Isle
*Bare Essentuals
*Dior show mascara
*Pottery Barn
*Hot Dogs at Saras
*The new glade candles
*Yankee Candles
Ben and Jerrys Creme Brulee Icecream

thats all for now

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

my trip to the nail salon...

Me: I need to get a fill and get the nails on my thumbs replaced

Lady of Asian Decent: I will do them all over for $25 dollars!

Me: Umm OK

Lady of Asian Decent: You getting your eyebrows waxed too???

Me: Well...i thin...
( Quick inturuption by the lady of asian decent)

LAdy of Asian Decent: YOU NEED THEM DONE!!!

Me: Yeeesss (looking down at the ground like i totally just got called out)

Thank you Nail salon lady for fixing my nails, eyebrows and installing a bit of humility in myself...i salute you


How is it possible for two people to aquire so much shit in only 2 years. I am starting to clean the house out. OH MY GOD! The bedroom is the worst. They say the bedroom should be the cleanest and most organized of all the rooms because that is where you relax. Well those people have obviously never been to my house. Both Josh and I wear uniforms to work, so there shouldnt be as many clothes and crap all over. And when we arent working, we only wear the same 3 outfits. So why do i have to use 20 zillion garbage bags for the clothes i dont wear. And now that i have lost weight i am needing to get rid of the stuff that fit me before. Urgh. A little overwhelming. Also where the hell is all this paper and wrapers and boxes coming from? I havent bought anything why all the wrapers. I think im gonna take a time out from the bedroom and hit the Bathroom, that should go by much quicker........I hope

Monday, May 14, 2007

this weekend....

I would like to drink this...

with this...

Thursday, May 10, 2007


sometimes when i go to put in the web address box...i want to put think that's funny

I wish I wish I wish

Wow ...i serioulsy lack post-age. Time for me to get back on track with this puppy. No more of this , "ill post tomorrow!" No more "i posted a couple days ago." Done IM BACK IN ACTION! My wish is that I get a new car. Not a brand spankin new one but a very nice quite pricy car with a lot of stuff in it..for very very cheap.. (benefits of the boy working at a dealership.) side note...dont you think they should call crack houses dealerships..its a much nicer name. to shower pray for the coache!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Gym

So i have started working out again. Again would imply that i use to but haven't for a while. Not Good I know. Its not that i don't like working out, its that i hate getting motivated to get in my car and go. Once I'm there..I'm all over it. So today i went first thing this morning. I was actually having a skinny day. Cute shorts cute shirt and my legs looked good. I thought " This will be a good working out day!" I got to the gym and picked my treadmill with the TV, put my ear phones in and watched a Wedding Story. Then I smelled strong cheap whore perfume. I always know when i smell that smell...a skank is nearby. And most likely, she has her overly highlighted blond hair in a ponytail with that huge bump thing on top. I glance over as she approaches and i was right...crazy blond hair..and the 3 feet in the air. She was wearing a white tank top cut up to look sexy with a hot pink sports bra. the shirt had an "A" on it..i can only assume it was for .. Abercrombie.( shocker) So lets get down to the point of this whore story. We are about 20 minutes into working out..i swear to you this really happens. She pauses her workout...takes her ripped t shirt off..takes her pants off to reveal a pair of short short shorts. Then she proceeds to put her foot up on the treadmill to tie her shoe everyone on the other side of the gym can probably see her crotch. Which she probably has her bush waxed into the shape of a strawberry or something. Cuz you know shes working out so hard walking at 3.2 that she needs to strip down. Get a clue . I hate skinny girls.

I'm going back to the gym tomorrow. I hope she wiped down her skanky treadmill.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Two things

There are two things i love more than one person should..(other than the boy and my family) and those two things are ...Rice Crispy Treats and Bobby Flay..i just thought i would share!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Why are garbage cans $15 bucks?
Why Do parents let their kids act like animals in public?
Why do underwear always fall off my ass?
Why havent I won the Lottery yet?
Why dont I play the lottery so i can win it?
Why cant I ever find anything good on TV on my days off and only find good stuff when I have to go to work?
Why cant I figure out what I want to do when I grow up?
Why cant I be the person addicted to exercise?

Just wondering...

A few things my mother would die if she knew..and i probably shouldnt ever tell anyone

1.) I love Jackass the show and the movies ..i actually paid to go see the second one at the theater.
2.) I have dishes in my sink that have been there for a week
3.) I dont like wearing underpants
4.) My bedroom looks so messy one would think we were robbed
5.) I wear a pony tail and no make up to work most days
6.) I have stayed home from work just to be in bed and have sex all day long
7.) Last month i spent money on something stupid like clothes rather than paying my electric bill
8.) I spent $12 on toothpaste at sephora
9.) I slept in my bed withough sheets for a whole week
10.) I show a lot of people my boobs!

Ahh..much better its like going to confession...i love it

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Dear Erie...

Dear Erie,

Please make a road tht goes fom peach street to cherry street so i dont have to go all the way around to get to my house or target...

thanks so much


Friday, April 20, 2007


Trix has gotton rid of the stupid fruit shapes and has returned to the old school round bits...good job trix

Thursday, April 19, 2007


1.) Spendin time with my besty!!!!!!!
2.) Tanning
3.) Smoking
4.) Sephora
5.) Face Wash
6.) The Girls Next Door....andd ree bought me the first season!!!!!

thats all

How to order Starbucks

My Boyfriend "J" And i were discussing my obsession with Starbucks. And He said he liked it but it was way to much confusion to order. Every morning i get a " Tall triple Sugar Free Vanilla Non Fat Carmel Macchiato. The process of ordering is easy if you know the formula:
1.) Cup ( Tall...Grande...Venti)
2.) Shots (single ...double...triple..or even quad)
3.) Syrup (Vanilla, almond, toffee nut..and so on)
4.) Milk and your other add ons ( non fat, soy ,organic, whole...modifiers like..dry, wet, whip cream, light, extra hot)
5.) Drink itself (macchiato, latte, frap, mocha)
there you go..a guide for the nervous and unsure..i hope this helps you enjoy a beverage ..and be careful they are addicting


I always remember saying ..i want a job working with the public, i love meeting new people and working with all different people from different walks of life. I believe i was STRONGLY mistaken. I have never hated people more than i hate the people i work with everyday. I'm not saying my colleagues..i enjoy them. I'm talking the ass nuggets i sell glasses and other ocular services to. I dont understand what would make you think that you can come into the store, pick out the most expensive glasses, lenses and coatings. Then make sure you throw a couple special order things on there too. Then when i tell you the total and that is going to take 3 weeks because you ordered so many damn things, DO NOT scream at me, tell me you arent paying then proceed to tell me the 5 otehr places who will give you the same thing for 500 bucks less. Frankly i hate your ugly glasses they dont match your ugly hair and ugly face and what the hell do you expect when you pick a frame that 300 dollars and add 6 million coatings then you are suprized you are paying over 400 bucks..I HATE YOU. I dont care if you buy shit from me, i dont get the money, some jackass layin on a beach shooting heroin is. So you go ahead and purchase glasses someone else...that means i dont have to work as much. I am glad i dont have to work tomorrow

Just the beginning..again

So i have decided to jump on the Blogging train..This should be interesting. Ive attempted this before and never followed through. BUT THIS TIME...this time will be different. So wish me luck and ...thats all. Im off to workies! (sidebar.,..i already starteda wonderful blog..but this supid thing wouldnt let me sign i had to try again! Wish me luck