Saturday, April 28, 2007

Two things

There are two things i love more than one person should..(other than the boy and my family) and those two things are ...Rice Crispy Treats and Bobby Flay..i just thought i would share!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Why are garbage cans $15 bucks?
Why Do parents let their kids act like animals in public?
Why do underwear always fall off my ass?
Why havent I won the Lottery yet?
Why dont I play the lottery so i can win it?
Why cant I ever find anything good on TV on my days off and only find good stuff when I have to go to work?
Why cant I figure out what I want to do when I grow up?
Why cant I be the person addicted to exercise?

Just wondering...

A few things my mother would die if she knew..and i probably shouldnt ever tell anyone

1.) I love Jackass the show and the movies ..i actually paid to go see the second one at the theater.
2.) I have dishes in my sink that have been there for a week
3.) I dont like wearing underpants
4.) My bedroom looks so messy one would think we were robbed
5.) I wear a pony tail and no make up to work most days
6.) I have stayed home from work just to be in bed and have sex all day long
7.) Last month i spent money on something stupid like clothes rather than paying my electric bill
8.) I spent $12 on toothpaste at sephora
9.) I slept in my bed withough sheets for a whole week
10.) I show a lot of people my boobs!

Ahh..much better its like going to confession...i love it

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Dear Erie...

Dear Erie,

Please make a road tht goes fom peach street to cherry street so i dont have to go all the way around to get to my house or target...

thanks so much


Friday, April 20, 2007


Trix has gotton rid of the stupid fruit shapes and has returned to the old school round bits...good job trix

Thursday, April 19, 2007


1.) Spendin time with my besty!!!!!!!
2.) Tanning
3.) Smoking
4.) Sephora
5.) Face Wash
6.) The Girls Next Door....andd ree bought me the first season!!!!!

thats all

How to order Starbucks

My Boyfriend "J" And i were discussing my obsession with Starbucks. And He said he liked it but it was way to much confusion to order. Every morning i get a " Tall triple Sugar Free Vanilla Non Fat Carmel Macchiato. The process of ordering is easy if you know the formula:
1.) Cup ( Tall...Grande...Venti)
2.) Shots (single ...double...triple..or even quad)
3.) Syrup (Vanilla, almond, toffee nut..and so on)
4.) Milk and your other add ons ( non fat, soy ,organic, whole...modifiers like..dry, wet, whip cream, light, extra hot)
5.) Drink itself (macchiato, latte, frap, mocha)
there you go..a guide for the nervous and unsure..i hope this helps you enjoy a beverage ..and be careful they are addicting


I always remember saying ..i want a job working with the public, i love meeting new people and working with all different people from different walks of life. I believe i was STRONGLY mistaken. I have never hated people more than i hate the people i work with everyday. I'm not saying my colleagues..i enjoy them. I'm talking the ass nuggets i sell glasses and other ocular services to. I dont understand what would make you think that you can come into the store, pick out the most expensive glasses, lenses and coatings. Then make sure you throw a couple special order things on there too. Then when i tell you the total and that is going to take 3 weeks because you ordered so many damn things, DO NOT scream at me, tell me you arent paying then proceed to tell me the 5 otehr places who will give you the same thing for 500 bucks less. Frankly i hate your ugly glasses they dont match your ugly hair and ugly face and what the hell do you expect when you pick a frame that 300 dollars and add 6 million coatings then you are suprized you are paying over 400 bucks..I HATE YOU. I dont care if you buy shit from me, i dont get the money, some jackass layin on a beach shooting heroin is. So you go ahead and purchase glasses someone else...that means i dont have to work as much. I am glad i dont have to work tomorrow

Just the beginning..again

So i have decided to jump on the Blogging train..This should be interesting. Ive attempted this before and never followed through. BUT THIS TIME...this time will be different. So wish me luck and ...thats all. Im off to workies! (sidebar.,..i already starteda wonderful blog..but this supid thing wouldnt let me sign i had to try again! Wish me luck