Wednesday, February 27, 2008

time wasted

Well i have spent the first couple hours i have been awake sitting on the computer. Here is an awesome site i found It is awesome. Basically its things that are off that are found in everyday places like parking lots, boxes , bus stops. Check it out ..i enjoy it.

oh you toy with me

So these past couple weeks have been weird. Life has def taken some weird twists and turns, but everything always turns out alright...right? I turned 26 last week. I realized that birthdays as im older just arent as fun. although it was a very nice birthday, my sister sent me flowers to work and one of my co- workers made me a cake and josh cooked me my favorite dinner. It just isnt as wonderful and exciting as it was when i was little. Well today is my first day off in about a week. I need to clean my house like i say i have to every time i have a day off. Im so looking forward to my NYC trip. I miss Ash and it will give me a chance to get away from life. I think i need a coffee to start my day.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


For those of you who don't know me very well i have a small obsession with IKEA. I cant help it. My mom took me there when i was younger and i remember walking around with my sister, Katie and Kristen and we would grab pamphlets, and plan our future homes. Also they have things like this lovely picture to my left. Its really cool too because it Swedish! I just needed to show some love to IKEA, and those awesome desserts!

Friday, February 15, 2008


So it has been about a week since i have posted something. To tell you the truth I needed a little time away from everything. The stress of my work f-ing up my taxes, being sick with a cold that never ends and a few other little personal upsets, I think I chalk this week to a rollercoaster ride from hell. But with support from a wonderful boyfriend and some awesome tylenol PM I think im almost back to myself. I got my sewing machine which is awesome. I only have a couple more weeks till my Vacation to NYC, my birthday is next week and I get to see Nal this weekend for her baby shower! Hopefully this coming week will be better than this past week. So im back, for anyone who reads this. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. The Catholic guilt i have embedded in my DNA says i should go to church since I have the day off. Ash Wed is the beginning of lent which means find something you love and give it up. I have yet to think of what I should give up. I should give up pop, smoking, and all those other wonderfuls. But maybe this year i will add something. I remember that Natalie and I one year went to church every Sunday during lent. Maybe thats what I should do. Who not good at giving up up ON stuff yes but not giving up stuff...Decisions Decisions!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Schmoper Bowl...

Im not a sportsfan all. So instead of watching the superbowl like millions of other people. I am sitting on the computer wasting my night. I should probably be cleaning or something. NAH. Although it does give me unlimited computer time without josh wanting to get on.(the computer that is..hehe) I just keep running back and forth to watch commercials. I do love the commercials.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


I didnt do anything today. Nothing . Its because josh is home. Ill blame him. Although I did mail a package to Ash, and mailed out a few bills and such. But thats it. I didnt even shower. Nast. Back t the daily grind tomorrow. And i dont have any money for coffee. Balls

Friday, February 1, 2008


Today I feel accomplished. I cleaned the office, set up some files,vaccumed. I colored my hair and made a couple things to go into my Etsy shop. its not ready yet. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to start listing some things and (cross your fingers) start making some Sweet Moola. So make sure to check it out! Im gonna go take a shower and get ready for bed. Tomorrow will hopefully be another day of getting things done!